Madrina Molly

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Here's To Our Holiday Rituals

Merry Christmakwanzukkah!  That is to say, I wish you a wonderful day of cultural rituals.  And it is my sincere hope that if you have no Christmas rituals yet, you use this day to go ahead and make some.

Some people will use this day to sleep in, others to wake up early and entertain the children. Some have a Christmas luncheon or a drink with the gang. 

We are of the “Chinese food and a movie” ritual variety. Oddly, we did not have this ritual growing up.  But now that it’s just Fred, me and Hurricane Jackie in upstate New York, this is how we spend our Christmas. As you might expect, HJ (Mom) is the one who gets to pick what we watch. Pre-pandemic we went out. Now we stay in. But a ritual is a ritual. We will celebrate with the kids in the new year.

Whether religious, cultural or symbolic, rituals are effective for reducing anxiety, grief and pressure.  And they help increase confidence. According to Psychology Today, rituals create intimacy and encourage the feeling of belonging. Even annoying family rituals reaffirm identity and provide shared (often dark) humor.

The Christmas season can be a lonely time without rituals. I would not wish loneliness on my worst enemy. From the team at Madrina Molly™, may you find delight in the old rituals and joy in the new.  May this be our new ritual: the first of many annual Christmas wishes from us to you.

Mwah! to all.  And to all, Peace.

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