The Feminization of Wealth
Wist & Wisdom Sherry Finkel Murphy, CFP®, RICP®, ChFC®, Founder/CEO Wist & Wisdom Sherry Finkel Murphy, CFP®, RICP®, ChFC®, Founder/CEO

The Feminization of Wealth

We’re going to hear more and more about the “feminization of wealth” as the great wealth transfer—$80 to $90 trillion from Boomers to Millennials—takes place. By the end of the decade, we expect that women will control $30 trillion, and, eventually, about 60% of all wealth in the U.S.  For perspective, U.S. gross domestic product for 2023 was just under $28 trillion.

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The Normal Aging Process And Frailty Risk
Longevity Planning, Money Money Money Sherry Finkel Murphy, CFP®, RICP®, ChFC®, Founder/CEO Longevity Planning, Money Money Money Sherry Finkel Murphy, CFP®, RICP®, ChFC®, Founder/CEO

The Normal Aging Process And Frailty Risk

It’s hard to imagine arriving at that age where you start a conversation regaling people with your latest doctor’s appointments. Lots of us arrive there, however. Sometimes it’s a necessity, like when a child takes over a parent’s health logistics. But mostly we joke how we’ll never be that person, when in reality, we know, deep down, we are destined to become precisely that person.

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