We Have A False Notion Of Independence
I know I just wrote a little about the notion and costs of frailty risk. But I’m going to force the issue here. My experience with clients is that nobody wants to talk about caregiving and being cared for. (Exception: My mom, Hurricane Jackie, who begins every Saturday morning conversation with, “If anything happens to me….”)
Childless By Choice
I am childless by choice. And that’s probably an important area for Madrina Molly™ to explore, as women without children need to consider how they will spend their later years. For a couple of decades, people told me I’d change my mind one day; that my biological clock would start ticking. It never happened.
The Triple Decker Club Sandwich Generation and Feeling Wealthy
Madrina Molly™ represents a huge change for me. For most of my adult life, I’ve arisen at 4:30 a.m., commuted to an office (or, more recently, to the next room) and structured my days around corporate or client meetings or both.
Who Is Madrina Molly?
A client once called me “Hada madrina de buenas ideas financieras,” which translates to the “fairy godmother of good financial ideas.” Another client called me the “Good Idea Fairy.” I sensed a pattern.